Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Power of Two

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana

I purchased a new point and shoot camera before I made my trip to Fort Wayne. I've been saving my blow money for months to make this purchase. I researched websites and held different cameras in my hand before I decided which one to purchase.

I didn't buy my new camera because I was dissatisfied with my fancy digital single-lens reflex camera, in fact, quite the opposite. Having spent time taking pictures with my new point and shoot camera makes me appreciate my DSLR.

However, both cameras serve a different purpose. My point and shoot allows me to have a camera with me at all times (other than my cell phone). My DSLR allows me to do things I can't even dream of with my point and shoot.

You see, two are better than one.

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil." Ecclesiastes 4:9 English Standard Version

Most of the time we hear this passage in the context of marriage, and yes, there is an application that can be made to marriage, but the passage encompasses much more.

We are not islands in the Christian community even if it feels that way. We are all baptized into the person of Jesus Christ.  His death is our death. His life is our life. This community is meant to help each other not harm each other. As the Preacher goes on to say, two people can help each other, keep each other warm, and withstand an enemy.

I don't understand the relationship between the two mushrooms above, but it's a good picture of what we in the Christian community do for each other.

The reality for us in life is that two baptized children of God standing together under the cross are better than one.

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(Click on picture to enlarge.)

Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2012-2014 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR. 

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