Monday, July 14, 2014

"I Didn't See That Coming!"

Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado

This trail has been hiked by thousands of people who spend time in the Garden of the Gods. It is well worn and seemingly smooth from all that foot traffic, yet notice the board that runs through the middle of the trail. I wonder how many people have tripped over this board.

What causes you to stumble?

It seems that when life is going smoothly, something pops up and we trip. It might be lust. It might be anger. It might be gossip. Something is bound to make us realize that no matter how well life is going there will be something that causes us to stumble.

So, how do we deal with those things that cause us to stumble in our relationship with God?

"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there." Galatians 5:24 New Living Translation

Everything that would cause us to sin against God or our neighbor has been crucified with Christ. Our gossip has been nailed to Christ. Our anger has been nailed to Christ. Our lust has been nailed to Christ.

I encourage you to name the board over which your life stumbles. Then place that name on the cross. It is a great deal easier to continue on in when we leave our sin with Jesus.

Join the conversation at Praying With the Eyes on Facebook.

(Click on picture to enlarge.)

Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2012-2014 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR. 

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