Tuesday, April 29, 2014


 Lepaterique, Honduras

It had been a long day back in March of 2014. Some of us from our Honduras mission team spent the morning and afternoon with children in Lepaterique, others spent time on the road visiting two small villages. Whether we were on the road or hanging with children, by the evening we were tired.

Looking to the next day, when we'd spend time with other children in other villages, we still had work to do. We had to assemble these toy cars for the children.

There wasn't much to this task. You pass a screw through a wooden wheel, washer, body, another washer and another wheel. Finally you hand tightened a screw. Not difficult, right?

Though the task might not have been difficult, when you're tired even the simplest tasks can be troublesome. We were exhausted, a long day awaited us, and we still needed time for reflection.

It was this time of reflection that saved the day.

Wanting nothing more than to go to bed, we gathered around a table in a corner room at Betesda. It was in the midst of our exhaustion that we were challenged to take the identity of someone we had met in Lepaterique, someone who had touched our lives.

We started our conversation with the words, "Hello, my name is..." and then we told the story of a person who had touched our lives. There was laughter and there were tears. There was renewed strength.

Our exhaustion was nothing compared to what our brothers and sisters in Lepaterique were enduring: A young man who had been abandoned by his mother, a family of four who ride a motorcycle to a remote community to proclaim Christ, a man who is worried that his dreams of going to university might not happen if he cannot find his high school transcripts.

"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2 English Standard Version

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(Click on picture to enlarge.)
Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2012-2014 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR.

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