Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Room With a View

Lepaterique, Honduras

It was Sunday. We had already worshiped with our brothers and sisters in Lepaterique. The afternoon was spent walking through the village making home visits with children who participate in the Compassion International project.

It was a good day of exercise, especially getting to this home of one of the Hafer's sponsor children. The room has a stone floor; no, not tiled stone, stone, like solid rock.  My back was facing this window for most of the visit.  I was struck by this view when I turned to leave.

Then it dawned on me: There's no glass in the window. It's like camping outside all year long. Granted, there are shutters to block the wind and a degree. However, the family that lives in this home is always aware of what's going on outside.

Isn't that the way God calls us to live. It's easy to shut our glass windows and close our storm doors to keep the outside world, well, outside.

[Jesus prayed,] "As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world." John 17:18 English Standard Version

So God sends us into the world, a world that we see through our windows and that blows through our homes.  We are sent with a message that we declare and reflect in our lives.  It is a message of God's love for all. It is a message of hope in Jesus.

Today's Challenge: Open a window in your home and let the world blow through being mindful that it is to this world that we are sent to bring Christ.

Join the conversation at Praying With the Eyes on Facebook.

(Click on picture to enlarge.)
Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2012-2014 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR. 

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