Monday, September 1, 2014

Surprised by Love

Tarryall Reservoir, Colorado

This waterfall at Tarryall Reservoir has an almost Disney feel to it. Outside of a small dam to the right, a person might wonder where the water comes from. This waterfall looks more suited to something behind the center field wall at Coors Field than flow out of a desert.

Where is that place that you least expected to experience God's love yet were surprised by his grace?

"But from everlasting to everlasting, the LORD's mercy is on those who fear him. His righteousness belongs to their children and grandchildren, to those who are faithful to his promise, to those who remember to follow his guiding principles." Psalm 103:17-18 God's Word to the Nations

We often hear the questions, "If God is God why does he let babies die? Why does he let people get divorced? Why does he _________ (you fill in the blank)?" Is it possible to experience the steadfast love of God in the ugliest moments of life?

I guess the answer depends on how we understand God's love. If God's love means preventing pain then I'd have to say no. It is not possible to experience the steadfast love of God in the painful experiences of life.

If God's love means experiencing his presence in the midst of pain and suffering then the answer is yes. It is possible to experience the steadfast love of God in the painful experiences of life.

God's presence is known in our suffering because through his Son, Jesus Christ, he experienced suffering, even the weight of our sin, upon his cross.

God desires that you experience his steadfast love today no matter what life brings your way. It is experienced by a faith that believes God is present with you no matter what. (Hebrews 4:15)

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(Click on picture to enlarge.)

Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2012-14 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR. 

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