Monday, August 25, 2014

Equally Loved

I wonder if Nolan feels cheated? I've taken so many pictures of Eli, being that he is our first grandchild, that it seems that I've forgotten about Nolan. I've probably taken twice as many pictures of Eli as I have of Nolan.

Is he as handsome as Eli? Yes.

Is he as photogenic as Eli? Yes.

Is he as loved as Eli? Yes.

Let's state the obvious: When there's only one grandchild that child gets all the attention. When there are two grandchildren neither get the same amount of attention as the first grandchild received.

However, both are still equally loved.

"Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister [Mary] and Lazarus." John 11:5 English Standard Version

John doesn't say that Jesus loved Mary more than Martha because she sat at his feet and listened to his teaching, or that he loved Lazarus more than the other two because he was a guy. It says he loved each.

In the same way, God loves you as much as he loves anyone else. Jesus' sacrifice is evidence of this fact. Each of us is equally forgiven. Each of us is equally saved.

Each of us is equally loved.

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(Click on picture to enlarge.)

Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2013-2014 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR. 

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