Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Most Important Ornaments

Today we add a Christmas tree ornament to our decorations as we near our celebration of Jesus' birth.

Christmas tree ornaments come in all sizes, shapes and colors. Those that have the most value were probably made by our children or grandchildren. Our family Christmas tree is graced with ornaments made by our children when they were in grade school. They're not made with expensive materials, nor are they the most beautiful, yet they are priceless.

"Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him." Psalm 127:3 New Living Translation

I wish that I would have taken this verse to heart much earlier in my life. Like many people, I was too busy trying to make a name for myself. It's not that I completely blew it as a father, but I wasted time.

Christmas reminds us that children are an undeserved reward from the Lord. They are gifts of grace even if they fill their diapers, spill milk or break your heart.  

I have also discovered that there is good news in parenting even when you children are adults. They are still gifts from the hand of God.

This Christmas, when you place your children's ornaments on the tree, thank God for their presence in your life. If your children have left home you might even consider giving them a phone call.

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(Click on picture to enlarge.)

Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2012-2013 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR.

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