Sunday, December 15, 2013

Feet Set on Solid Ground

So far this Advent we've meditated on getting ready for Christmas by cleaning and decorating our homes. Now, in this third week in Advent, we turn our attention to our personal attire as we dress for Christmas.

After my foot surgery in April I don't take my feet for granted. However, I don't understand all the attention people give to shoes. I have two basic types of shoes and only one or two pair in each category. There are  shoes I wear to work and there are shoes I don't wear to work. That's it.

There appear to be two kinds of people as well: those who purchase shoes as some devour antacids, and others (like me) who don't buy shoes until they can feel the rocks through the soles.

It doesn't matter into which category you fall, everyone understands the importance of feet. Even the psalmist understood their importance.

"He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along." Psalm 40:2 New Living Translation

It doesn't matter what kind of shoes we're wearing if we're stuck in he mud of sin and despair.

Maybe you've had the same experience I've had. You're walking through mud and your shoes get stuck. It doesn't matter if you're wearing tennis shoes or boots, mud can consume them.

The mud of sin has consumed our lives, yet it is Christ who chose to dwell in the mud with us and set our feet on solid ground. Though we still see the mud and sometimes get stuck in it, God in his mercy pulls us out.

Today, you might feel stuck in the mire of life. It might feel like you're going nowhere. You have a God who has pulled you out of the mud and he sets your feet on the solid ground of his love.

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(Click on picture to enlarge.)

Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2012-2013 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR.

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