Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Infectious Nature of a Smile

Guayabal, Honduras

Thinking about the people of Guayabal brings a smile to my face.

Like many of the villages we visited, Guayabal is beautiful. Added to that beauty is the vegetable garden planted in front of the church. Even though it was March when I took this picture, beans, corn and other vegetables were growing. (I'm still a few weeks from planting anything in my garden.)

However, what causes me to smile more the the beauty of Guayabal are the smiles on the people of this village. It seemed to me that everyone was smiling.

"We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, 'What amazing things the LORD has done for them.'" Psalm 126:2 New Living Translation

Smiles are infectious. In high school I worked for a pole bean farmer. During the picking season I weighed the beans and dumped them into the tote that would carry them to the cannery. I saw the same pickers multiple times during the day and throughout the week. One picker asked me why I smiled all the time.

People notice when we smile. When our smile is rooted in the "amazing things the Lord has done" for us that smile runs deeper than simply having a nice day. I've seen this smile in the hospital and at the graveside. I've seen this smile on the face of the poor and the wealthy.

I believe the people of Guayabal understand this fact. That's why they keep smiling.

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(Click on picture to enlarge.)
Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2012-2014 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR.

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