Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Gift of Coexisting

Ansbach, Germany

St. Johannis Church is one of two churches only blocks apart. The church of St. Gumbertus (not pictured) was the primary church for the royalty of Ansbach, being in close proximity to the royal Residenz, whereas St. Johannis was frequented by the general population.

Can two churches exist adjacent to each other?

Holy Cross Lutheran Church, the Christian community that I'm blessed to serve, is at the corner of Constitution and Murray in Colorado Springs, but so is Rustic Hills Baptist Church and Sunnyside Christian Church.  Each one of us play a significant role in our community.

"In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well." Romans 12:6a New Living Translation

There are definite theological differences between our churches on Constitution and Murray, yet all of us are engaged in ministry in our community. Remove one us from this neighborhood and something important is missing.

As it is with individuals so it is with churches: God has gifted us to do certain things well. Notice that Paul did not tell the church at Rome that their gifts were intended for them to do things perfectly, but to do them well. There are no perfect people nor are there perfect churches.

However, we are gifted to do what we do and to do it well. Your church is a special, forgiven community of God's people and no matter how close another church might be to your church, all of you play a special role in your community.

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(Click on picture to enlarge.)

Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2013 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR.

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