Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Water of Life

Fountain Valley Regional Park, Fountain, Colorado

It takes plenty of water to grow cattails. You don't find cattails in the desert, but by ponds with an abundance of water, and once these cattails are established, they grow prolifically.  

Cattails have two ways of multiplying.  Note the seeds on this flowering spike. In the fall these seeds are blown long distances where they take root next to other ponds, yet this is not the only way cattails grow. They also expand through their roots. All of this growth begins with water.

"He also said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the one who is thirsty I will give water free of charge from the spring of the water of life." Revelation 21:6 New English Translation

It is hard to kill cattails once they're established. When we drink deep of God'mercy in Christ it is hard to destroy the faith that grows in us. That faith is nourished by God himself. There will be times when our growth is challenged by the circumstances of life, but we continue to grow...and thrive.

As we grow, the seed of God's Word is spread through us. Sometimes that seed drifts far from home and finds soil and water to nourish the seed. Sometimes the growth happens through the roots of the local community of Christians.

All of this growth happens through the Water of Life. The growth we experience in our relationship with God is the result of this water.

Jesus is our abundant source of water that brings life.

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(Click on picture to enlarge.)

Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2013 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR.  

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