Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Oklahoma City National Memorial &  Museum

There are moments that change life forever.

9:02am comes between 9:01 and 9:03.  That probably doesn't mean much to you but it does for the people who lived in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.  At 9:02am Timothy McVeigh set off a bomb in a rental truck that killed 168 people. 19 victims were children under the age of six. 

At 9:01 everything was as it had always been for those in the building; grabbing a cup of coffee, tackling their "to do" lists and turning on their computers.  

At 9:03 everything had changed.  

All of us have experienced moments that changed our lives forever.  They might not be as devastating as those experienced in OKC, but they are none-the-less life-changing.

Or they are more devastating as this eleventh anniversary of 9/11 reminds us.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."  Hebrews 13:8 (ESV)

Good and bad things happen from moment-to-moment that shape our lives.  Yet in that mix of life's experiences is the knowledge that God's love for us in Jesus Christ will never change.  In fact, that love is ever present in the "moments" of life.

May we not forget!

For my good friend, Aaron Tisdale, who charged in to the Twin Towers as they fell, and cleaned up in the aftermath.  God bless my friend!

(Click on picture to enlarge.)

Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2012 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR.  



  1. Good reminder. And timely for today. Sometimes these events are things that we would love to forget, we'd love to imagine that it never happened. But they did happen. And Jesus was still there with us and with them in the midst of the chaos.

  2. I tried to post it on Facebook on 9/12 but it wasn't working. Early in the morning on 9/11/12 I was seeing my mother-in-law and Grandma off at the airport. While on their visit here Grandma' s purse was stolen. So I stayed at the airport to see that they got through security fine being she didn't have her ID. When they were almost through TSA made an annoncement that there would be a moment of silence and security would stop for a minute. They contest down and the busy airport went silent and still. It was eeire and amazing to see everyone remember and respect. After the moment everything thing went back to being busy. It's good to know that not only is God always there but most people are too.
