Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Eisenach, Germany

Somethings just aren't fair. This building is know as the "Lutherhaus," the Luther house. It should be know as the Cotta house as Luther lived with the Cottas for three years from 1498 to 1501. He considered these three years to be good years living with the Cotta family while he, as a youngster,  attended school.

Luther experienced acceptance from the Cotta family even though he wasn't their son. Maybe their acceptance aided his belief in God's acceptance of him.

Could this also be said of us? Could it be said that our acceptance of another human creature might pave the way for them to understand God's acceptance of them through the gift of forgiveness?

"Accept one another...just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God." Romans 15:7 New International Version

Acceptance does not mean that you must agree with the other person. Agreement is not a bad thing and something for which Christians ought to strive, but I don't think the Cotta family agreed with everything a young Martin Luther did or said. But he knew acceptance from this family.

Acceptance is best taught when we, in Christ, work at accepting each other. This kind of acceptance will break down walls that we, in our stubborn demand to be right, have erected.

As Christ accepts us, warts and all, may we accept each other.

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(Click on picture to enlarge.)

Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2013 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR. 

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