Saturday, December 21, 2013

Cloaked With Christ

Keeping me warm during these winter months is this overcoat that I've owned since my days in Nebraska. Fortunately it was rather big when I bought it 30 years ago.

The servants and the guards were standing around a fire they had built and were warming themselves because it was cold. Peter was standing there, too, and warming himself with the others. John 18:18 God's Word to the Nations

Maybe Peter wished he had a warmer coat this night. You know the story. Three times he denies Jesus. At the end of his denial he weeps bitterly over his behavior. If he'd only brought a coat he could a stood somewhere else...or could he?

Being close to the fire was great, but he also wanted to be a tad bit closer to his Savior following the betrayal by Judas. He was scared. He was anxious. Maybe, just maybe, if he could be a little closer to Jesus he wouldn't be so anxious and scared.

Yet he was alone and uncovered at the fire. There was no warmth being closer to Jesus on this night.

Maybe this is the way that you feel today. Maybe you feel exposed to the cold, bitter winter of life. Even being closer to Jesus hasn't helped. Like Peter it has only reminded you of your unworthiness to stand in his presence.

When we feel the bitter cold of winter we must move to Jesus on his cross. He had no coat, no clothing to give him warmth as he neared death. The coldness of the cross fell deep on Jesus. He was exposed to the winter of sin so that he might cover you with forgiveness and life.

This gift of forgiveness is your true clothing. It is the coat that would cover Peter for his denial and it is the coat that covers you no matter how you have disappointed God. Your heavenly Father sees you clothed in Jesus' righteousness.

You are cloaked with Christ.

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(Click on picture to enlarge.)

Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2012-2013 Douglas P. Brauner.  ARR.

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