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"Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures." James 1:18 English Standard Version
These Pinot grapevines are within footsteps of my father-in-laws house. Since I visit him in the summer, not the fall, I have yet to see ripened grapes on these vines. Instead, what I find are very tiny, green bunches of immature grapes, yet there is the anticipation of what they will be.
James reminds us that we are the firstfruits of God's creation.
We were created last of everything that God called into existence. We are the best of his creation, and through our redemption in Christ, we are his chosen fruit.
The first grapes to ripen from these plants in Mt. Angel, Oregon will be crushed, fermented and bottled that others might enjoy the taste of the fine wine they produce.
And so we, the firstfruits of God's creation, add life to this world.
We're not intend to be bottled and stuck in a wine rack until someone blows the dust off and pulls the cork. As the firstfruits of God's making, we are poured into the world to change our world.
We are true to God when we live as God's firstfruits.
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(Click on picture to enlarge.)
Text and Photographs ©Copyright 2012-2015 Douglas P. Brauner. ARR.